Positive Mental Attitude and Health

Positive Mental Attitude

PMA is positive mental attitude

How you feel about things around you really depends on how and what you think.  And how you think about things can impact your health.

There has been a lot of studies that link better health to positive thinking or optimism.  At the Mayo clinic, they discuss how one can reduce stress by positive thinking.  As most of you know when you are depressed or stressed out, your health level goes down, and your immune system suffers–making you more susceptible to getting sick.  Just check out this article from the American Psychological Association titled “Stress Weakens the Immune System“.

The truth of the matter is, what you truly think depends on what story you tell yourself when interpreting a situation or event.  Thus, if you want to be healthy tell yourself good positive stories about the situation or event in front of you, and you will find yourself feeling better.

This week, our focus is on Taekwondo’s last tenet–“Victory“.  Victory stands for positive mental attitude.  Please think of situations that have caused you mental grief and figure out how you can change the story you tell yourself in order to shed a more positive light into the matter.  After all, there is a positive and negative to everything–you just need to focus on the positive.