Why Do We Take Promotion Test?


Promotion Testing

Every two to three months, our school goes through a promotion test.  The tests are typically very structured, formal, and can sometimes feel intimidating.

With that in mind, why do we take promotion tests?  Is it because we want that next belt, that promotion?  On the surface, that is what it might look like, but underneath, we take promotion tests for the following very good reasons:

  • To gain more experience and get better.  When you take tests, regardless of what type of tests it is, you typically have to study and practice.  If you don’t, you reduce your chances of passing.  Our promotion tests are no different.  In order for you to pass, you need to study and practice hard.  In the process of studying and practicing, you gain more experience; and through experience, you get better.
  • To become more confident by testing under pressure.  Whether you are young or old, our promotion tests can make you feel nervous, especially when standing in front of your peers, an audience, and judges; however, through practice and study, you can become confident.  As you go through more tests, you learn to handle the pressure and are able to channel nervous energy into more confidence.
  • To be tested by qualified judges.  When you go through a promotion test, certified Taekwondo judges make an assessment of your proficiency to move up in rank.  So when you pass that test, you can be confident that you’ve earned that new rank.

So the next time someone asks you about why you take promotion tests, you can say that you want to get better, confident, and that you need to have qualified judges check your skill level in order to advance.